First Glance, Lasting Impression

First Glance, Lasting Impression

The first breath of a child is a defining moment for any parent. Before she came, I couldn’t image life with three children. After she arrived my every breath encompassed another child who owns my heart. It longer belongs to me. Greatly enjoying the small moments, such as the glance of my sweet husband to an onlooking, admiring, coddling infant. She feels safe in his arms, and for a small moment, all of his cares and worries...

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Windy Whistler

Windy Whistler

My, its windy outside. A storms a comin’! While watching a hitchcock inspired TV show, the big BBQ blew over and hit our kitchen door. It frightened me a bit. That scary feeling like a spider’s crawling up your back came through me all at once and I re-confirmed that I don’t like scary movies. Why is it that I procrastinate, or doubt, or feel vulnerable? Challenges come to every person, man or woman, tall or short,...

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