“I am a good communicator”

Brennan told me point blank the other night, “Mom, I am a good communicator.” Yes.  You are sweetie. And for that I love you. A good communicator, to exclaim your wonder and ability to dress yourself…after church it was spider man hat, buzz light year jammie shirt, pirate pants and cars socks. You communicate that you are a big boy and you can do it yourself. You communicate, “look how colorful and alive I...

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Our Scavenger Hunt

Today I worked. Work is going so well. I fell authentic and happy. I am really enjoying the opportunities coming our way. I am so happy and feel more connected to Jonny than I have in a long time. After work, I wanted to go do something with the kids. We created a scavenger hunt of things to look for when we went to go look at the Draper temple grounds. Moroni, check, House of the Lord, check. Windows, check. Flower beds, check. And...

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Gently wafting bubbles…… June 12th, 2010

I wonder what I will remember about this day. If I could capture this moment, what would I cherish about today in twenty years from now. I wonder if it will be the tiptoeing of my children to come and snuggle in bed with me when they know they are not supposed to, and the delight I have at snuggling all five of us in a single bed. I wonder if it will be the tantrum followed by the joy of working together to clean the house, yes...

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A new chapter is coming

I went to a baptism today for a cousin of Anna’s.  Hailey Vick is a second cousin. She has blonde hair, hopeful blue eyes and a newly adult-tooth smile. Her delicate and beautiful white dress reverently donned her small frame. She stood tall next to her bishop as he introduced her, a daughter of Jason and Holly, and shared her favorite scripture hero and her goals to be more Christlike by being kind to everyone. The spirit...

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I thought it was going to rain….

I thought it was going to rain, but it poured!I thought it was going to be sunny, but it warmed!Life is full of ups and downs. But what I knowIs that with God there are no bounds. I look across my life mid throughand wonder without him, what’d I’d do.Life is so good, and grand and fatefulThere’s not a reason to be prideful or hateful. Challenges come, and challenges go.But without God there’s nothing I...

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