Dreams on the top the mountain

I dream a lot. More often I can accurately depend on dreams to help me understand my experiences, prepare for the future, or to help me find peace with my challenges. A few nights ago I was reading my Facebook feed. The news feed has been all a twitter with gay activist celebrating the recent turn of events which has made Utah’s marriage law of one man and one woman “unconstitutional.” Because of personal experience,...

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Temple Trips and Coming Home

Temple Trips and Coming Home

For many years I have lived with a desire to heal my heart from the holes created by the absence of my dad. I don’t know why it matters that he wasn’t there, because I don’t even really know much about him. I would recognize his voice if I heard it, but I don’t know how tall he was, how he walked, or what his laugh sounded like. And yet, there has been a deep emptiness inside of my heart that bubbles to the...

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