Our family adventure into felafel

Our family adventure into felafel

So tonight I was craving falafel. Weird. It’s been ages since I have had any. I decided to try a new adventure for our family. When I was studying in Israel at the BYU Jerusalem Center we had many opportunities to try new food. Our daily meals went something like this. In the morning I would enjoy yogurt and granola. For lunch, especially if we were on a field trip, we would have a pita bread turkey sandwich. At nearly every...

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My Daily Walk

My Daily Walk

Doctrine and Covenants 19:32, “Behold, this is a great and the last commandmentwhich I shall give unto you concerning this matter; for this shall suffice for thy daily walk, even unto the end of thy life.” I arise early-ish. I pull my weary body out of bed. My foot hits the floor and weighs down the plush carpet. In just a step or two my feet become wildly aware of a plethora of carnal savagings left to rest; shirts,...

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