Love, Daddy

Love, Daddy

Today my brother and I sat around his kitchen table, scattered about in piles of old papers. As I perused the documents, dating back to the early 1950s, a chalky dust covered my fingers. We sifted through hand written letters, school report cards, government request letters and divorce decrees. We read through condolence messages and funeral programs. The weight of choices rested heavy on my soul. There are always alternating...

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DIY Garden Grow Boxes

DIY Garden Grow Boxes

There is something to be said about renewal, the chance to start again. Whether the previous attempts were amazing, yielding fruit and harvest, or a dismal failure. Springtime is always a new beginning, starting over and planning life. This year we have been working on some new grow boxes. We have to move our back fence back several feet, and so we will be losing about 8 feet of our garden. We have a ton of grass in the back, and so...

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