Legacy of Faith, My Pioneer Heritage

Legacy of Faith, My Pioneer Heritage

There are many ancestors… generations upon generations who have come before me. Today is a day of reflection. Looking in the mirror I see my Grandma Cannon’s blue eyes. I see my mom’s callick in my brown hair. I feel the fervor of faith gifted from my Grandma Joy. The the golden embers of Italian skin after an afternoon bathing under the golden sun, which comes from my paternal Grandpa Rizzo who immigrated to New...

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For Our Time

For Our Time

This week has been monumental and historic. Here is just a taste of this national and international news stories: Planned Parenthood executive is recorded to be selling the remains of human babies for the highest bidder. The United States, along with many other world leaders lifted its sanctions on Iran in a deal to prevent the longtime known terrorist country to making nuclear weapons. Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu has been...

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Supreme Court Ruling Same Sex Marriage

Supreme Court Ruling Same Sex Marriage

This week is monumental in the history books of the American experience. This week will go down for good or evil in every persona’s memory. This week the weak are celebrating and the broken are weak. The United States’ Supreme Court ruling same sex marriage voted 5-4 to allow gay marriage to take place across every state of our nation. The ruling is pretty straight forward, people of the same sex are allowed to marry. Same...

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