Born into the Kingdom For Such a Time As This

Born into the Kingdom For Such a Time As This

No stranger to turmoil, Esther was orphaned when her parent’s died. Taking the roll of father, protector, teacher and guardian, her cousin Mordecai also shared his devout Jewish practice with his niece and raised a daughter unto God. Descendants from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, their ancestors, back 4 or so generations, were exiled out of their homeland of Jerusalem during the Babylon captivity. Now living in modern day Iran,...

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Enduring the trial of the Rocky Mountain pass, then and now.

Enduring the trial of the Rocky Mountain pass, then and now.

I arose on Saturday morning after a night of many awakenings; my mind wandered to a holy landmark. It had been nearly two weeks since my husband had surgery to remove a benign brain tumor. At 16 years old I traveled with the youth from my stake on a journey to remember our pioneer ancestors. Pioneer Sheroes Early Mormon saints were driven out of their homes and land by extermination order in Missouri, and then again in Illinois. They...

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Grand Council In Heaven: The Cost of Love

Grand Council In Heaven: The Cost of Love

Long ago we gathered together as spirit children of our Father in Heaven, in the grand council. While my mortal eyes prevent me from remembering, through scripture, revelation and the spirit, I can image that we gathered in a grand hall; and at the great Elohim, our Father at the focal point. Just as President Monson presides the church here on earth, adorned with his faithful counselors; Jehovah, known in mortality as Jesus Christ,...

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