Darkest Days, How To Get Through

Darkest Days, How To Get Through

Have you ever had a day that you didn’t know how you were going to get through, not just til’ nighttime, but the next few minutes? You ever know without a shadow of a doubt that you came to earth prepared for whatever challenges you would face, and were even were prepared for your specific Gethsemane… except in the face of reality, it was more than you could bear? In our intellect, we knew. And in mortality, it is...

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The Gift of Prayer

The Gift of Prayer

I am grateful for prayer. I love that in any instant I can connect to my creator and ask for support, resources, strength, and clarity. Prayer fuels my spirit with divine energy and purpose beyond what I can see right in front of me. Prayer helps me release my pride and the tight grip on how I expect things to go. It turns out, sometimes my prayers are answered, almost instantaneously with promptings, direction or peace. Other times...

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