6 Months Old

Happy 6 month Birthday to my baby Allyson!

We celebrated tonight with a darling rendition of “Happy Birfday to you!” by Brennan and Anna at the dinner table while enjoying ripe and delicious summer peaches.

I went on a walk tonight with Brennan and Allyson, the sky was alight with sunset embers, gold, purple, blue, yellow, white majestic and bountiful clouds drenching the valley and mountains in Summer goodness. I pushed the double wide stroller up the big hill to 1300 East, and we ran/walked back home again. My thoughts ran through the glory of the beautiful earth, to the Atonement, to my family, and my brother. I ache inside, knowing that my brother is leaving the truth. It saddens me. And at the same time, I am being selfish and keeping my family harbored from unappreciated influences. What is the right course of action when intervention is not possible, and free choice is the front runner in Heavenly Father’s plan? How do I express love and concern, support and understanding when I choose to keep at arm’s distance to protect those I love? Offense could be taken either way, offense is not intended. So, I continue to plea on his behalf, pondering my actions, pondering my intentions, and deciding what to do.

Testimonies of goodness are all around. We walked past a non watered front lawn. So quickly does the emerald banner of summer wilt into a barren field of yellow flame-potential earth. Under all those, “should have watered,” perks up persistent and ever growing weeds. How quickly can our testimonies fade, and be replaced by the burdensome and ever persistent weeds of doubt, of sin, of pride. Where water is, life is abundant. Where water lacks, growth is sequestered. Christ is the living water, he is our life. Our path, our happiness. All those that come to him will find rest. Those who deny him, deny his light, deny his truth will soon find their once fruitful and luscious life entangled in weeds, ever growing and digging, entangling their tentacles deeply into the earth.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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