Is the journey THAT important?


Salmon hatch from eggs in streams.


They are born quite small and after a time have an urge to swim down stream.


They swim to the ocean, sometimes as far as 100 miles, and others swim more than 2,500 miles, where they live for five years! They again have an urge to return to their birth place. Only now they have grown 100 times their size at birth.


Traveling upstream is difficult. They become strong. The salt water mixed with the fresh water changes the salmon’s coloring to a beautiful, vibrant color.


Many receive scars from the rocks and bears as they travel.


Upon arrival they spawn, and the cycle continues.

For whatever reason some salmon choose not to swim down stream, but to stay in the comfortable watering hole of their birth.

Small Salmon sockeye-salmon-run

Comparing the two fish is drastic: the one remaining in its comfort zone and the other becoming what it was intended to become.

The one is small, silver with black dots and quite unremarkable. It had not become what it could have.

The other is large, strong & muscular, and, beautiful with vibrant color. This fish though experiencing turbulence has journeyed to the measure of its making.

 So what about you? What of your birth and life?

Having the courage to swim out of your comfort zone is hard, there are many obstacles in your way; fear, doubt, discouragement, failure. But what about the journey? Traveling, experimenting, working, striving? It is the journey that will bring about your most vibrant color, your strongest belief and your most impressive feats. Don’t be afraid, growing is good. And it can only come from leaving your comfort zone.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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