Following the Light: Lessons From My Garden

Everyday I water my seedlings. They are in their tiniest forms, just peaking their sleepy heads out of their seeds. The roots sent towards the earth, their green leaves soaking every parcel of the sun’s rays that it can. Some seeds take forever to sprout. I am beginning to thing that Impatients were named after the emotion they conjure for lack of sprouting.


And so it began, another year of gardening has taken root in the tiny seedlings who are making their way toward God’s almighty rays of light. They are designed in their very nature to grow, to branch out, to take root, to smell of flavor, and of beauty.


Everyday their leaves have reached towards the light, and in honor to their creator, fall down, kneeling  to worship Him, who created them.

This gift of following light, of embracing light and of absorbing light is no accident. The sun is the source of the earth’s life, and yet where does that great body receive its great power? How is it possible for the sun to provide existence for all earthly existence?

Just as the sun powers the earth, the Son of God, even Jesus Christ is the great life force of humanity, his priesthood power, and his atoning sacrifice far surpasses our mortal moment, and it supersedes, even his earthly sojourn. His life and existence is the light that powers our spirits, fuels our ministries, and empowers our growth. Without the Savior, our world literally, would be filled with darkness. We learn that the light of Christ is, “…Divine energy, power, or influence that proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things. It is the law by which all things are governed in heaven and on earth.” Of course my baby zucchini and summer squash honor the light by worshiping, by bowing, and by following it. It is in their very nature to obey the laws of God, even following the source of their light.


Cucumber and Squash

I too am like this seedling, infantile to my great potential. I am rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I strive daily to catch the light which infiltrates my life. I follow, in wonder the great majesty of my creator, recognizing my absolute and complete dependence up on him, day by day. As with these tiny plants there are great things in store for my life, journeys into new place, opportunities for growth, and for expansion. There will fruit to produce, and to share in abundance. But for today, my job is collect light.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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