Little Things

It’s the little things that make life worthwhile. Giving the kids a bath, reassuring a child of his worth, reading a book, saying prayers.

It’s the small acts of kindness that raise the standard of belief. The kindness when someone opens the door, or notices the difference of appearance.

I am grateful for the little things my kids say to one another that encourage and uplift each other. I am grateful for my little ones who cling to each other in play, in work and in challenging their strength and boundaries.

I am infinitely grateful to my Father in Heaven who loves and supports me through my life. I want to become what he sees that I can become. I desperately want to return to His presence and look at my life satisfied that I reached, stretched, rooted, enjoyed and prioritized my life as he would have me do. We are accepting abundance and making room for it. I am grateful for that opportunity to have stretched and to be made whole by my challenges.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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