I have an itch to be something…..

I have an itch to be something. My time seems so taken right now, and I am torn between doing too much and doing too little to fulfill my life’s work. There is a season for everything, and now my children are so small. I don’t want to miss a single moment, and yet, I feel a calling, pulling me into sharing who I am. I feel fear. I feel vulnerable, and so I stay. My heart’s desire is to write and to speak. I must become what God has enabled me to become.

I am pregnant. Just about 6 1/2 weeks. I have already had an ultrasound too, saw the heart beat on our 1/2 cm baby. I feel very blessed. We are due October 8, 2013. Lucky. I feel blessed. I am grateful to be me. I am grateful that I had money to buy lots of groceries today, we have our food for our 72 hour kits too. I feel so blessed. I want to give back. I want to shine for others. I want to be brave!

In time, all things will come.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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