A week for many firsts

So, its Sunday night again. It has been a week of  many firsts. Anna started second grade. My own second grade teacher was named Mrs. Sherry, she was also Solomon, my older brother’s second grade teacher. Anna’s class is one of about 7 portables just outside the school, close to the playground. We had a fun Mommy daughter date on Friday night. It was one of my favorites! We had breakfast for dinner at Village In, followed by a darling, no guilt, cry a little movie, “Ramona and Beezus.” Both Anna and I shed a few tears. It was every appropriately a girl’s night out film.

Saturday we tackled the garage, and to our surprise it looks absolutely fabulous, followed that with a couple hours of work, a family reunion, Jimmy John run for sandwiches and wa-la! Your weekend is almost done. Round that off with a meeting of Stake Conference, a walk with the family and your done!

This weekend has been filled with some highs and lows. In so many ways I feel so blessed! I am surrounded by people who love me, I have the gospel of Jesus Christ that anchors my life, I have beautiful and healthy children. I have a husband who works hard, and believes in family. On the other side, there are some very heavy issues that our family is dealing with right now. Some of them are long standing challenges, they often go unnoticed. At other times, they are blaring and heavy, consequential and concerning. Intellectually I understand that everyone goes through challenges. It is part of life’s journey. When preparing to teach Sunday School, I have found great strength in reading about Job. His challenges were fierce and terrible, yet he stayed true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He stayed true to Jesus. He did not ever doubt the authority or wisdom of God, despite his longing to stop suffering. He never turned his back on the Lord. I find great strength in that experience.

At Stake Conference today, a wise sister counseled us to create a self fulfilling prophesy with those we love. She said to treat them as they an be, and they will become so. Treat them as if they are the person, we know they can be, and they will become that person. What wise counsel. Rather than reacting to specific situations, and allowing relationships to be a reflection of the present and the past, interact as if they are the magnificent creature God intended them to be. Their countenance will shine forth and their being will radiate, their actions will crawl to enjoy the longing of my affection in God.

The other theme for Stake Conference was about reading the Book of Mormon. One sister guesstimated the population of mankind on earth, 102 Billion have lived on the earth. Which means, if 1/3 never made it to mortality, there could be upwards of 50 Billion wrathful spirits, who are allowed to taunt and tempt us unto evil. That’s 8-9 evil spirits for every living person on the earth. The good news, Jesus is brighter than any darkness, Jesus is fuller than any despair. The Church is true and the saving ordinances of the temple protect us in our times of darkness. Angels, who have passed on can comfort, protect and support us, despite the efforts of those who would harm us.

I went to the temple on Saturday morning. I awoke at 7, fed Ally and headed off to do initiatory work. I am grateful for the Spirit that I felt there, it buoyed me up. I am grateful for those who have forged a path that I may follow, I am grateful for unseen ancestors who protect me and my posterity. I am grateful for a  kind mother, and a I am grateful for my sweet family.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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