Gently wafting bubbles…… June 12th, 2010

I wonder what I will remember about this day. If I could capture this moment, what would I cherish about today in twenty years from now. I wonder if it will be the tiptoeing of my children to come and snuggle in bed with me when they know they are not supposed to, and the delight I have at snuggling all five of us in a single bed. I wonder if it will be the tantrum followed by the joy of working together to clean the house, yes children, you have to clean your rooms. And Brennan exclaiming, “Mom! I want to clean the bathrooms!!”

Then there’s the moment when I am checking out at Sam’s Club feeling so grateful and a little bit anxious that I could fill the entire cart with groceries and clothes for my family. What have I done to deserve so much abundance from God? There have been times in my life that I have looked at someone else’s pantry and wishes I had enough money to go to the grocery store without worrying how much I spent on food.

I also had a quiet moment when I thought I was going to have a quiet bath, just me and Ally. There’s something about a running bath water that beckons children like the pied piper. Needless to say, I was not alone and it was not quiet and relaxing. But it was most joyous to spend a moment with my hyper and playful children.

At one moment this afternoon, I had Ally have some tummy time, enjoying the plush new carpet in Jonny’s office. Her back curled, her toes stretched beckoning her body to straighten like a board. Periodically she would rest her head, putting her nose in the soft carpet, followed by miniature wale to pick her up. And then, she almost rolled over. Almost! EEEk!! Jonny! Look! She’s almost rolling over! No, baby you’re not big enough to roll over! (Mind you I was coaching Anna at this stage to grow up too fast, but with this little munchkin I want to savor and relish in every tiny detail of her existence. I want this fleeting, delicious moment to last forever!)

What will I remember about today, the gratitude to my husband for caring for our children so I could sleep in. The joy I feel from loving my husband without guile or expectation, just for joy. I will remember the kind thoughts of Brennan as he pulls products from my own Mary Kay inventory, and wraps up perfume and gives it to me covered in red metallic shred. “Surprise Mom! Open it!!” Then next gift is a set of paper frogs. “Mom! Here they are froggie kisses! I made them Bew-ti-ful!”

Although what I did was merely cleaning house, going to the grocery store and putting food away. It was so much more, it was another moment of joy and love with my family. These fleeting moments are like bubbles. Blown in the wind and carried off by Mother Nature, to be enjoyed for just a moment, and then poof! It is gone and replaced by another sweet and gentle moment.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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