New Beginnings and Pink Petals

There is something transformative about stepping through the door of opportunity. It requires thought, it requires courage and action. It also requires removing other commitments that either took time, space or energy. I have fully and with commitment, walked through a door. Forever changing the path and outcome of my life. Once, a friend of mine told me about chapters in life. He said that once you move on to a new chapter, there is no going back to the way things once were.

I feel such rapturous joy and happiness. I feel hope and opportunity as God has poured his love on my heart and I am no longer willing to make decisions for my responsibilities based on the opinions or expectations of others. I will openly communicate, receive feedback and advise, I will ponder, pray and search for answers. But ultimately I have trust in God, he is my source of happiness and of goodness. He knows the way, he is the way. With Him, all things are possible.

I few days ago my blossoming trees out front were in full bloom. These full, pink blossoms burst into a layers of frilly, girly wonder. Three trees and thousands of blossoms permeated the perimeter of my home. For about two weeks, as I passed each day I found such joy and gratitude for my trees. As the days passed, and our snowy spring turned fittingly into a warm season, and then quickly back to cold, the blossoms seemed to linger. And as all things come in and out of peak, they began to let go of their quaking branches. My stretch of lawn became covered with a mountain of pink blossoms. Our cold spring brought with it pink snow. A blanket of girly goodness! Wind picked up and scattered my beautiful pink petals up and down the street. What a joy to spread my love of nature with my friends. If only for a day.

On the other hand, we have another pesky problem in our circle… dandelions. Their bounty continues to grow and spread. The thoughtfulness of the wind works its magic as these yellow critters network from one yard to the next. Never ceasing, never ending, spreading their irritation. Oh, those button-like yellow blossoms look cute as my four year old picks and delivers them in bundles, as acts of long-lost chivalry, but I know better.

My life and influence on those around me could be that of the beautiful, fragrant pink blossoms. I can give joy, beauty, peace and hope. My happiness and hope spreading and broadening my perimeter with the uncontrollable outside forces. Or I can be like the dandelion. Irritatingly successful at spreading problems, deeply rooted in their commitment to invalidate, frustrate and condemn. Both are subject to mother nature and outside circumstance, both leave a legacy, an impact and a future. Only one is positive.  If only for a day. I choose beauty over anger, I choose hope over vanity. I choose pink, fluffy blossoms over the heart of a dandelion!

Author: Sarah Johnson

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