Memory Lane

I am walking down memory lane tonight, as I look upon the journey of our family! How precious is each moment, before another moment is gone, I want to bottle this instant. In another blink, it will be gone and they will be grown. This picture is fro Fall of 2007, Brennan was such a handful! So busy, so curious and so happy. I am grateful for fall!

This picture is from an autumn three years earlier, when I was pregnant with Brennan. What a darling little girl! Vibrance and energy was never ending!

Baby feet! Oh! How cute is he? Thoughtful, inquisitive and so close to the veil. This was the day after we introduced Brennan to the world in March of 2006.

Once a little girl wraps her heart around her Daddy, they are forever entwined.

Sleep is ever needed for the newest addition to our family in Spring of 2006. Little Brennan. Its strange seeing him as an infant now, for I know him the way he is today. I can see the sparkle of his personality, only a glimpse here, but forever in my soul.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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