Gratitude Crossroads

It’s 10:37 pm Saturday night. I can’t believe how tired I am! It has been an emotionally draining week, to say the least. Physically, we have been running all day.

I am grateful for my beautiful spring blossoms on my trees outside my house! They make me happy! I am grateful for timeouts, just as much for Mommy as for naughty little kids. It gives me a moment to breathe and calm my senses. I am grateful for a supportive husband. I am grateful for a washing machine that makes the mountain of laundry we need to do surmountable. I am grateful for the Atonement. I am watching people disappear from the truth, slowly, and intentionally. That makes me sad. But I am grateful that I know what I know. I am grateful for thyroid medicine. Wow! What a difference it makes!

I am grateful that Jesus loves me, and I am so grateful to the Holy Ghost, for the whisperings of truth and guidance that allow me to know and feel and act, to be courageous in the face of blindness. With God all things are possible.

I am grateful for my mom. She endured many great trials, and through it all I know that she loves me. She was always proud to be my mom and did what she needed to, in order to be a great mom. As well, I love my Grandmother. Her kind influence has penetrated my desire for goodness probably more than any other single person. I am grateful for my own children, whom without, I would not know the pain and suffering of death, of which I did not experience, but could only imagine after experiencing birth three times, and longing with all my heart to live to care for and love an innocent, helpless and dependent being. Without them, I am nothing. With them, my love lives on.

I am grateful for the ability to write, to love, to experience pain as well as joy. I am grateful for sweet friends, for lots of questions and the ability to probe, to ponder and to pray.

For all these things, I say adeu to a week of crossroads. We’ve switched directions, dramatically by the hand of the Lord. With him, all things are possible.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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