First Glance, Lasting Impression

The first breath of a child is a defining moment for any parent. Before she came, I couldn’t image life with three children. After she arrived my every breath encompassed another child who owns my heart. It longer belongs to me. Greatly enjoying the small moments, such as the glance of my sweet husband to an onlooking, admiring, coddling infant. She feels safe in his arms, and for a small moment, all of his cares and worries slip away and he sees nothing but her. Another moment, when a delightfully willing Brennan wants to share. YES!!! He has learned a topic that we have been engraining into his heart. “Mom! Baby likes fruit snacks! I am letting her suck on one!” How can I disband that smile of accomplishment and sense of service from a darling four year old? My Anna, how defensive is she over the care and concern for her new sister. Even a peep will motivate her to travel any hearing distance to save the littlest member of our family from harms way. Even if that means cutting Grandma’s cuddle time short.

Now I see pictures of our family with four, and something is missing. Someone is missing. I know her now. She is my Allyson, my Ally. I love her so. Her eyes penetrate into the recesses of my soul. They are piercing and inquisitive. And then a hunger pain releases her from my gaze and she is once again an infant. Her spirit is old, wise and permanent. She is not my child alone, but given from Heaven. How grateful am I for stewardship over this precious one.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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