True story.

Americans are strong.
Americans are brave.
Americans are faithful.
Americans are stalwart and courageous.

Americans have survived wars, famine, bombings, economic devastation, civil unrest and natural disasters, but our spirits have never been broken.
We have looked after our neighbors and our brothers and sisters for centuries.
We are innovative and adaptable. We will get through this.

The community dynamics of two weeks ago will not work in the coming days- the regular hours and open doors will have to be tweaked, but as a nation and a community we can and will adapt to the change.
As I drove down 114th south yesterday on my way to do a grocery run for my mom I saw this breathtaking site- the American flag, waving strongly against a breeze. The sun was shining and the contrast of the clouds offered beauty.

This is not the first time in American history that we have faced an enemy. In generations past, it had a face and a name. Today’s enemy has a name. Fear.

He will not win the battle unless we close our hearts to God and our neighbor.
He will not win the battle unless we stop adapting to our circumstances and lifting our friends where they are.

He will not win unless we forget to breathe in the calm reassurance that even in our disarray and tumult we are okay. At this moment, you are okay.

In America, we can and we will fight the battle of fear and win.
We will come out stronger and kinder.
We will come out of this a people united. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Author: Sarah Johnson

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