Enjoy Every Ordinary Day

Enjoy Every Ordinary Day

When I was a little girl, over and over my Grandma Joy would say, “Enjoy every ordinary day, those are the ones you’ll miss when they are gone.” I’m going to miss the piles of laundry, maybe not. I AM going to miss the morning scraggly hugs from my little ones; soothing my baby, in only a way a parent can when he wakes up disheveled after a harried night. I am going to miss requests for chocolate chips cookies,...

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Today’s Vulnerability, Tomorrow’s Hope

Today’s Vulnerability, Tomorrow’s Hope

I recently finished reading Brene Brown’s book, “The Gifts of Imperfection.” I had never heard of Brene’s work until about two months ago. Since that time I have been flooded with recommendations, quotes here and there, and mentions of her name. “We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that...

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The Truth About Family Pictures

The Truth About Family Pictures

A few weeks ago we met my brother Solomon at our old stomping grounds, the Garden Park Ward, in Salt Lake City, Utah for family photos. The truth about family photos is that there is nothing pretty or easy about getting six people out the door cheerfully looking well groomed and on time. I am so happy to have these precious moments preserved for our family memory book, at this time, in this moment, these are our children. This is our...

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Help Them Find Me

Help Them Find Me

The Relief Society, Priesthood, Young Men and Young Women were all invited to attend a special class on family history this past October. Brother Sciamarella invited a friend to share her testimony and experiences of doing family history work. I do not even remember her name. I do know that she works at ancestory.com. She is an avid family historian, and has not only the technical skills to do family history, but also a love and...

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The four thousand three hundred and eightieth day

The four thousand three hundred and eightieth day

The night before she was born, I was frantically rushing to get everything done. For weeks prior I had been on bed rest due to some complications. Pre-eclampsia had taken its toll on my blood pressure, and so I was required to do nothing, even though I felt fine. My doctor schedule my induction three weeks prior to my due date because of his concern for my health. Once we knew that the baby was in a safe range for birth, it was go...

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