The Holy Ghost, a constant companion.

When I was 8 years old, I entered the waters of baptism through the priesthood power which was held by my grandpa, David Evans. There were a few moments that stood out to me. First, I stood for a picture, wearing my polyester white dress in front of a painting of the Savior’s baptism in the hall at our stake center. Second, as I came out of the water, I distinctly remember feeling disappointed. I knew my sins were washed away, but...

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Dreams on the top the mountain

I dream a lot. More often I can accurately depend on dreams to help me understand my experiences, prepare for the future, or to help me find peace with my challenges. A few nights ago I was reading my Facebook feed. The news feed has been all a twitter with gay activist celebrating the recent turn of events which has made Utah’s marriage law of one man and one woman “unconstitutional.” Because of personal experience,...

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Temple Trips and Coming Home

Temple Trips and Coming Home

For many years I have lived with a desire to heal my heart from the holes created by the absence of my dad. I don’t know why it matters that he wasn’t there, because I don’t even really know much about him. I would recognize his voice if I heard it, but I don’t know how tall he was, how he walked, or what his laugh sounded like. And yet, there has been a deep emptiness inside of my heart that bubbles to the...

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I have a problem remembering my passwords

I have a problem remembering my passwords….. too many to remember. I think that my new password is so easy to remember, and I have a system to remember it, but then it comes time to test myself, and I fail several times before getting access. Life is like remembering your password. Its okay to try and fail, its great to have tricks to remember things. Its ultimately up to me to try enough combinations until something works....

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Little Things

It’s the little things that make life worthwhile. Giving the kids a bath, reassuring a child of his worth, reading a book, saying prayers. It’s the small acts of kindness that raise the standard of belief. The kindness when someone opens the door, or notices the difference of appearance. I am grateful for the little things my kids say to one another that encourage and uplift each other. I am grateful for my little ones who...

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