Baby Love

Baby Love


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Autumn Playtime!

Autumn Playtime!

I love fall! This year I feel like I have missed it, since we had our baby. The last month I didn’t get out much since Ben is so small. We took just a few minutes out of our day to play in the warmth of autumn. I love these kids. We came to this same park last year to take family pictures. The kids remembered what game they had played, and which kid played which super hero, and what power they possessed. They picked up right...

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Benjamin is here!

Benjamin is here!

It was 2:00 a.m. on October 1st. The prior day, I had stretched my to do list long into the night, knowing that I would be delivering my son the next day. My sweet friend Ali Roberson, came over and helped me with errands. We cleaned cars, we went to the D.I. and to the grocery store. I finished some projects for work and made sure that plans were made for our children the following day. Not only that, but Jonny also discovered that...

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Everything I know I learned from my garden

Everything I know I learned from my garden

I love to garden! I love the feeling of seeing my hard word bring about fruit. It is so exhilarating to go outside and witness by God’s great grace 4 ft. tall tomato plants thriving in the hot July sun! I love seeing my children discover bugs; lady bugs, grass hoppers, spiders (ew!) and potato bugs. I love trimming, pruning and weeding to show off a newly taken care of space. It makes my heart happy. Life lessons about gardening...

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I have an itch to be something…..

I have an itch to be something. My time seems so taken right now, and I am torn between doing too much and doing too little to fulfill my life’s work. There is a season for everything, and now my children are so small. I don’t want to miss a single moment, and yet, I feel a calling, pulling me into sharing who I am. I feel fear. I feel vulnerable, and so I stay. My heart’s desire is to write and to speak. I must...

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