Who am I?

Who am I? The scriptures teach that Jesus was the Father, because he was Begotten, or born of the flesh as God, the Father’s off spring. He was the Father through the genetics that ran through his veins. I am my mother, I am my father. I am grandma Joy, I am grandpa David. Yet, I am also me. I am Sarah Elizabeth. I am born, I am free of my own will to choose. Today I am light. I feel full of gratitude and faith for the...

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New Beginnings and Old Roots

Grandma Joy passed away on July 5th, 2011. It has been terribly hard to grieve her passing. Although I do not mourn for her, I know she is tenderly reunited with her sweet companion on the other side, I ache inside for her. As I sat in the hospital room, surrounded by my family members, I watched her mortal frame, once full of life and love, slip peacefully into silence. As her emaciated frame took its last breath, almost immediately,...

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Resistance is Futile

What are you resisting? Why? Every time my husband sits down to teach me a new work skill, specifically some quite simple programming elements, my whole body cringes with frustration and rebellion. For weeks I have been avoiding, denying, procrastinating and flat out refusing to try this new skill. Inside my body is screaming, “No!!!! I don’t want to!!!” But why? What is it about this new opportunity that I resist? I...

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Its the Sunday before Thanksgiving. It would be wrong not to stop for a moment, during my crazy life and give thanks. We have much to be grateful for. There are many life lessons that can be interwoven amongst these moments of thanks. 1. I am grateful for who I am today. We have been through some difficult struggles throughout my life. Financial, emotional, health, family, identity, death and loss. I have lived through unbelievable...

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What’s the answer?

Often in life I have dallied in a world of high activity and excitement. There have been other times in my life where struggle and frustration rule out my natural state of optimism and good cheer. President Monson in his recent conference address talked about Gratitude. Gratitude is a characteristic that is most highly linked to all other Godly attributes. I am grateful for his wisdom. In our effort to have a house of order, I have...

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