Updated Church LBGTQ

Updated Church LBGTQ

Today’s updates to our church’s policy on matters of baptism and blessings and marriage in the LGBTQ/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints brings me joy and peace. What once was black and white in my mind and heart is now a garden full of compassion, love, empathy, and strength. I’m sharing what I wrote about the original policy back in 2015. I love my fellow humans. I am grateful to be a traveler on the...

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Brain Tumor Anniversary

Brain Tumor Anniversary

It was a year ago today that Jonny and I took the final steps into the hospital, where our lives would forever be adjusted to that moment, for good or ill. One year ago Jonny’s head was opened and an acoustic neuroma brain tumor removed. One year ago that his severed nerves would be a daily reminder to the life saving and altering course. One year ago that I was reminded poetically and majestically of God’s love for us, individually....

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Trusting and Having Faith in the Lord to Get Us Through the Challenges We Face

Trusting and Having Faith in the Lord to Get Us Through the Challenges We Face

There is charcoal colored volcanic rock scattered across St. George. At the very top of Snow Canyon is the remnant of an ancient, and now dead volcano. Recently we gathered our four kids ranging in age from 15 to 4 and made our way around on the ice cream swirl trail. The hike started with a small incline as we twirled around the back side. About halfway up the trail, the path took a sharp turn straight up the mountain. The view from...

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Christmas Letter 2017

Christmas Letter 2017

Dear Family & Friends, What a year it has been! It is an understatement to say that this has been filled with significant obstacles and challenges, but has equally been a witness to the service, compassion, and kindness of others. We couldn’t let the Christmas season pass without sharing with you our gratitude for your love and support. We also wanted to share with you a few of the miracles we have experienced and lessons we have...

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Shepherd’s Field

Shepherd’s Field

It was a hot August day in 1998. I drove on a blue and silver tourist bus with my BYU Jerusalem class out to Bethlehem where we had a chance to visit the Church of the Nativity. My instructor warned us before we went into the dark and rank church not to focus so much on what we were experiencing, but try to think about the events that we were honoring that day. Gold plated lanterns with matching draping-chains covered the walls on the...

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