Is the journey THAT important?

Is the journey THAT important?

Salmon hatch from eggs in streams. They are born quite small and after a time have an urge to swim down stream. They swim to the ocean, sometimes as far as 100 miles, and others swim more than 2,500 miles, where they live for five years! They again have an urge to return to their birth place. Only now they have grown 100 times their size at birth. Traveling upstream is difficult. They become strong. The salt water mixed with the fresh...

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The Second Gift of Christmas – Shining Bright

The Second Gift of Christmas – Shining Bright

Mathew 2: 1-2 reads, “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judæa in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.” This star was planned, created, and set into motion, not on that Christmas day, but before then. It’s shape, position, brightness, movement and...

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My First Gift of Christmas – Letting Go

My First Gift of Christmas – Letting Go

In my front yard is a row of trees, three to be exact. I love these trees! In the spring they produce the most glorious pink blossoms! As they fall to the ground at the onslaught of summer, the gently wafting pedals look like a pastel snowstorm, blanketing my newly emerging grass with a layer of spring. Last year the middle of the three trees took began to decay. The life force of tree has cut off several large branches, which has in...

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Finding Christmas

Finding Christmas

What is the most Christmas filled experience you have had? I have been thinking a lot about Christmas. What exactly is the Christmas spirit? There are parties, trees, lights, gifts, hot cocoa, bundling up by the fire, watching movies, shopping, mailing cards to family and friends. There is giving, and donating; there are plays, musicals and concerts. There is a palpable feeling in the air, and throughout the community of good will, of...

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Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

November is swiftly coming to a close. Our days are vacillating between brisk cold winds, and unusually warm sunshine. Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving, last weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving. What a wonderful opportunity to stop, and reflect. My gratitude doth overflow. Its not so much about the things, but the people, the miracles, the faith, the journey, the failing and rising that I am grateful for. Out of billions on earth,...

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