Trusting and Having Faith in the Lord to Get Us Through the Challenges We Face

Trusting and Having Faith in the Lord to Get Us Through the Challenges We Face

There is charcoal colored volcanic rock scattered across St. George. At the very top of Snow Canyon is the remnant of an ancient, and now dead volcano. Recently we gathered our four kids ranging in age from 15 to 4 and made our way around on the ice cream swirl trail. The hike started with a small incline as we twirled around the back side. About halfway up the trail, the path took a sharp turn straight up the mountain. The view from...

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Enduring the trial of the Rocky Mountain pass, then and now.

Enduring the trial of the Rocky Mountain pass, then and now.

I arose on Saturday morning after a night of many awakenings; my mind wandered to a holy landmark. It had been nearly two weeks since my husband had surgery to remove a benign brain tumor. At 16 years old I traveled with the youth from my stake on a journey to remember our pioneer ancestors. Pioneer Sheroes Early Mormon saints were driven out of their homes and land by extermination order in Missouri, and then again in Illinois. They...

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Making Friends with Despair

It was another Sunday,  another weekend, another week. Another endurance of medical problems, illness, financial struggles and despair. I thought life was going to be different than this. I never imagined that at nearly 40 I would continually be facing greater and greater challenges. On our weekend date, my husband and I drove around a lot. We talked a lot. I cried, he doesn’t like that. He was frustrated with my despair. I didn’t...

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You Have To Go Through It

You Have To Go Through It

Last week my daughter Allyson rediscovered a book that we have had for quite a while, “We are Going on a Bear Hunt,” Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury, and written by Michael Rosen. This small family, a dad with four little kids and their dog set out on a fine, sunshine filled day, to find a bear. Their journey is fraught with obstacles; mud, a dark forrest, a bog, a storm, and all manner of difficulties. Over and over, they...

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The Sweet Fruit

The Sweet Fruit

In the Garden of Eden Satan tempted Eve to taste of a fruit, that was most delicious, and very desirable. “It will make you wise,” the serpent slithered. “You shall be as the gods, knowing good from evil.” Eve was our Mother, the first of this mortal world. While I cannot remember her with my mortal eyes, my spirit knows her. She is brave, the kind of courage that takes to be the first of a whole world to step...

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New Beginnings and Old Roots

Grandma Joy passed away on July 5th, 2011. It has been terribly hard to grieve her passing. Although I do not mourn for her, I know she is tenderly reunited with her sweet companion on the other side, I ache inside for her. As I sat in the hospital room, surrounded by my family members, I watched her mortal frame, once full of life and love, slip peacefully into silence. As her emaciated frame took its last breath, almost immediately,...

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