Little Girls Running

Little Girls Running

I walked my daughter to school today. Her small hand firmly grasped mine as we took the quarter mile journey to first grade. Older sister is in middle school and older brother had to be there early, so it was just the two of us. The bright early morning sun was just cresting over our majestic Wasatch Mountains. Looking east was blinding, except that when my eyes were closed I could feel the warmth on my skin as the light radiated...

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Mother’s Day: Timeless Gratitude for Life

Mother’s Day: Timeless Gratitude for Life

As I walked sleepily this morning into the kitchen for Mother’s Day, my ten year old son stretched his arm high into the air and pulled the trigger on his new confetti gun. “Happy Mother’s Day!” A plethora of sparkly colors spun through the air as he handed me a huge box of gourmet cookies. I feel so loved, as my children adorn my cheeks with kisses and handmade cards. At 37 years old, I am a mother to four...

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Modern Day Slavery

Modern Day Slavery

What is the greatest destruction of today’s generation? The tactics used by the adversary are not new. For endless amounts of time Satan, and his minions have used an unknown number of ploys to shackle God’s children to sin. Heavenly Father’s entire plan of happiness revolves around one fundamental key, agency. Satan will use every trick, deception, fear, longing and addiction in his arsenal to stave off the...

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My Daily Walk

My Daily Walk

Doctrine and Covenants 19:32, “Behold, this is a great and the last commandmentwhich I shall give unto you concerning this matter; for this shall suffice for thy daily walk, even unto the end of thy life.” I arise early-ish. I pull my weary body out of bed. My foot hits the floor and weighs down the plush carpet. In just a step or two my feet become wildly aware of a plethora of carnal savagings left to rest; shirts,...

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Enjoy Every Ordinary Day

Enjoy Every Ordinary Day

When I was a little girl, over and over my Grandma Joy would say, “Enjoy every ordinary day, those are the ones you’ll miss when they are gone.” I’m going to miss the piles of laundry, maybe not. I AM going to miss the morning scraggly hugs from my little ones; soothing my baby, in only a way a parent can when he wakes up disheveled after a harried night. I am going to miss requests for chocolate chips cookies,...

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The four thousand three hundred and eightieth day

The four thousand three hundred and eightieth day

The night before she was born, I was frantically rushing to get everything done. For weeks prior I had been on bed rest due to some complications. Pre-eclampsia had taken its toll on my blood pressure, and so I was required to do nothing, even though I felt fine. My doctor schedule my induction three weeks prior to my due date because of his concern for my health. Once we knew that the baby was in a safe range for birth, it was go...

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