What’s the answer?

Often in life I have dallied in a world of high activity and excitement. There have been other times in my life where struggle and frustration rule out my natural state of optimism and good cheer. President Monson in his recent conference address talked about Gratitude. Gratitude is a characteristic that is most highly linked to all other Godly attributes. I am grateful for his wisdom. In our effort to have a house of order, I have...

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Emerald Green Grass perfect matt for a baby yoga exercise

She’s sitting up perfectly now! Absolutely perfectly! Outside against the lush emerald grass, her tiny frame with plump belly happily waved and swaggered at the breeze, the soft blades under neath her, and anything else she could scrap up to her wiggling tongue. What a delight! My seven month old loved our outdoor adventure! The only thing more exciting than trying to put a brigade or wafting dandelion parachuters in your mouth...

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A week for many firsts

So, its Sunday night again. It has been a week of  many firsts. Anna started second grade. My own second grade teacher was named Mrs. Sherry, she was also Solomon, my older brother’s second grade teacher. Anna’s class is one of about 7 portables just outside the school, close to the playground. We had a fun Mommy daughter date on Friday night. It was one of my favorites! We had breakfast for dinner at Village In, followed...

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Time Changes with Age

Time changes with age. It goes faster, it is more precious, it is more reflective, it is more full. It is less wasted, it is less taken for granted, it is never boring, it is never enough. Time is anticipated with more hope, more dependence, more consequence. Time used to be filled with space, with time to think about how slow time was taking, but now it doesn’t. Time used to elongate, with slowly ticking clocks, painful passing...

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6 Months Old

Happy 6 month Birthday to my baby Allyson! We celebrated tonight with a darling rendition of “Happy Birfday to you!” by Brennan and Anna at the dinner table while enjoying ripe and delicious summer peaches. I went on a walk tonight with Brennan and Allyson, the sky was alight with sunset embers, gold, purple, blue, yellow, white majestic and bountiful clouds drenching the valley and mountains in Summer goodness. I pushed...

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“I am a good communicator”

Brennan told me point blank the other night, “Mom, I am a good communicator.” Yes.  You are sweetie. And for that I love you. A good communicator, to exclaim your wonder and ability to dress yourself…after church it was spider man hat, buzz light year jammie shirt, pirate pants and cars socks. You communicate that you are a big boy and you can do it yourself. You communicate, “look how colorful and alive I...

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