Little Girls Running

Little Girls Running

I walked my daughter to school today. Her small hand firmly grasped mine as we took the quarter mile journey to first grade. Older sister is in middle school and older brother had to be there early, so it was just the two of us. The bright early morning sun was just cresting over our majestic Wasatch Mountains. Looking east was blinding, except that when my eyes were closed I could feel the warmth on my skin as the light radiated...

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Mother’s Day: Timeless Gratitude for Life

Mother’s Day: Timeless Gratitude for Life

As I walked sleepily this morning into the kitchen for Mother’s Day, my ten year old son stretched his arm high into the air and pulled the trigger on his new confetti gun. “Happy Mother’s Day!” A plethora of sparkly colors spun through the air as he handed me a huge box of gourmet cookies. I feel so loved, as my children adorn my cheeks with kisses and handmade cards. At 37 years old, I am a mother to four...

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Many happy greetings from the Johnsons

Many happy greetings from the Johnsons

This time will be just a moment, and then, like a flash, it will be gone. 13 years ago Jonny and I were proud new parents to our first baby, Anna. She was just barely over 5 pounds when we brought her home from the hospital. We were so excited about wrapping her gifts, and beginning our own family traditions. As it turns out, she slept through that first Christmas morning, bundled in a blanket on the couch, sucking on her giant green...

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LDS Policy Change: I was born of a gay father and faithful LDS mother.

LDS Policy Change: I was born of a gay father and faithful LDS mother.

I was born of a gay father and faithful LDS mother. The great storms of identity development and security were rocked as I learned that my dad died from AIDS when I was just ten. He left the church right after my birth and lived a homosexual life in New York City. I remember confiding in a just a few friends the real origin of my dad’s death, there were layers of shame and fear and loss and sadness. I didn’t feel safe...

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The Last Harvest

The Last Harvest

Today before work I went outside into my garden. The harvest season is drawing to a close, but not before a colorful display of opulence in the form of fruit; yellow bell cherry tomatoes; red, yellow and green sweet peppers both big and baby sized; dozens and dozens of pumpkins donning white, orange and fiery auburn red skins; hot peppers including giant jalapenos, something red – I don’t know its name, and banana peppers....

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Unwanted Pregnancies: Abortion is the Wrong Solution

Unwanted Pregnancies: Abortion is the Wrong Solution

Did you know that……. at 8 weeks in utero, a fetus’ major functions are all developed, including their heart, brain, lungs and nervous system. I have even recently learned that they already have a finger print! When an in utero procedure needs to be done, even at that young age, fetuses are shown, by ultra-sound, to recoil from needles that collect blood. Why on earth would they not feel pain? We do. They are us. Of...

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