Following the Light: Lessons From My Garden

Following the Light: Lessons From My Garden

Everyday I water my seedlings. They are in their tiniest forms, just peaking their sleepy heads out of their seeds. The roots sent towards the earth, their green leaves soaking every parcel of the sun’s rays that it can. Some seeds take forever to sprout. I am beginning to thing that Impatients were named after the emotion they conjure for lack of sprouting. And so it began, another year of gardening has taken root in the tiny...

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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

It would be a great blessing to adequately put into words the feelings of my heart on the blessed Easter Sunday. My name is Sarah Johnson. I am a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter and a friend. I have had a witness that Jesus Christ is our great Redeemer. As spiritual children of our Heavenly Father, the great plan of happiness was presented, and taught in the preexistence. I can imagine a beautiful place, where we created...

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I thought I was the seed, it turns out I am the dirt.

I thought I was the seed, it turns out I am the dirt.

St. Patrick’s Day of Old This last Tuesday was St. Patrick’s Day. When I  was a little girl the holiday merited pulling out a piece of emerald material, in whatever form you find it; a scrunchie, a t-shirt or a pinned on swatch of fabric from mom’s gonna-use-this-fabric-someday-but-if-i-don’t-you-can-have-the-lot-of-it-when-I-die -pile. In today’s world St. Patrick’s Day consists of leprechaun...

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Modern Day Slavery

Modern Day Slavery

What is the greatest destruction of today’s generation? The tactics used by the adversary are not new. For endless amounts of time Satan, and his minions have used an unknown number of ploys to shackle God’s children to sin. Heavenly Father’s entire plan of happiness revolves around one fundamental key, agency. Satan will use every trick, deception, fear, longing and addiction in his arsenal to stave off the...

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Our family adventure into felafel

Our family adventure into felafel

So tonight I was craving falafel. Weird. It’s been ages since I have had any. I decided to try a new adventure for our family. When I was studying in Israel at the BYU Jerusalem Center we had many opportunities to try new food. Our daily meals went something like this. In the morning I would enjoy yogurt and granola. For lunch, especially if we were on a field trip, we would have a pita bread turkey sandwich. At nearly every...

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My Daily Walk

My Daily Walk

Doctrine and Covenants 19:32, “Behold, this is a great and the last commandmentwhich I shall give unto you concerning this matter; for this shall suffice for thy daily walk, even unto the end of thy life.” I arise early-ish. I pull my weary body out of bed. My foot hits the floor and weighs down the plush carpet. In just a step or two my feet become wildly aware of a plethora of carnal savagings left to rest; shirts,...

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