Favorite Kind of Labouring Day

Favorite Kind of Labouring Day

As a little girl I loved planting. It was always a favorite day to release the pony packs of flowers and veggies and bury the roots into the freshly turned soil. We had a long, skinny lot that was surrounded by large trees. So there was lots of shade to hope around. One year a pumpkin vine grew up into the fence, around a tree trunk and over a branch in our neighbor’s yard. a small pumpkin grew perfectly round as it hung from a branch...

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DIY Garden Grow Boxes

DIY Garden Grow Boxes

There is something to be said about renewal, the chance to start again. Whether the previous attempts were amazing, yielding fruit and harvest, or a dismal failure. Springtime is always a new beginning, starting over and planning life. This year we have been working on some new grow boxes. We have to move our back fence back several feet, and so we will be losing about 8 feet of our garden. We have a ton of grass in the back, and so...

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Following the Light: Lessons From My Garden

Following the Light: Lessons From My Garden

Everyday I water my seedlings. They are in their tiniest forms, just peaking their sleepy heads out of their seeds. The roots sent towards the earth, their green leaves soaking every parcel of the sun’s rays that it can. Some seeds take forever to sprout. I am beginning to thing that Impatients were named after the emotion they conjure for lack of sprouting. And so it began, another year of gardening has taken root in the tiny...

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I thought I was the seed, it turns out I am the dirt.

I thought I was the seed, it turns out I am the dirt.

St. Patrick’s Day of Old This last Tuesday was St. Patrick’s Day. When I  was a little girl the holiday merited pulling out a piece of emerald material, in whatever form you find it; a scrunchie, a t-shirt or a pinned on swatch of fabric from mom’s gonna-use-this-fabric-someday-but-if-i-don’t-you-can-have-the-lot-of-it-when-I-die -pile. In today’s world St. Patrick’s Day consists of leprechaun...

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The Garden’s Teachings

The Garden’s Teachings

I was having strange, creepy dreams last night, after having a pretty stressful, kind of awful day. Too much on my plate, too unorganized, working too ineffectively makes for a grumpy momma. The great news is that each day is a new day, and I am grateful to have my husband at my side. What have I learned about this? Number one, there is more to my circumstance than I can see. There are forces outside of my control that can influence...

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Everything I know I learned from my garden

Everything I know I learned from my garden

I love to garden! I love the feeling of seeing my hard word bring about fruit. It is so exhilarating to go outside and witness by God’s great grace 4 ft. tall tomato plants thriving in the hot July sun! I love seeing my children discover bugs; lady bugs, grass hoppers, spiders (ew!) and potato bugs. I love trimming, pruning and weeding to show off a newly taken care of space. It makes my heart happy. Life lessons about gardening...

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