2020 Census, Did you catch the pandemic and the earthquake?

2020 Census, Did you catch the pandemic and the earthquake?

This past week I filled out my family’s data for the 2020 Census. I like the feeling of being counted among my people. There have been days not too long ago that I scoured the handwritten census records from 1940 in New York City, looking for clues about my long lost family. Fancy cursive, in worn-out sepia toned ink and faded paper claimed roughly scratched names, including family members and their ages as a timestamp, a mark...

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Brain Tumor Anniversary

Brain Tumor Anniversary

It was a year ago today that Jonny and I took the final steps into the hospital, where our lives would forever be adjusted to that moment, for good or ill. One year ago Jonny’s head was opened and an acoustic neuroma brain tumor removed. One year ago that his severed nerves would be a daily reminder to the life saving and altering course. One year ago that I was reminded poetically and majestically of God’s love for us, individually....

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Trusting and Having Faith in the Lord to Get Us Through the Challenges We Face

Trusting and Having Faith in the Lord to Get Us Through the Challenges We Face

There is charcoal colored volcanic rock scattered across St. George. At the very top of Snow Canyon is the remnant of an ancient, and now dead volcano. Recently we gathered our four kids ranging in age from 15 to 4 and made our way around on the ice cream swirl trail. The hike started with a small incline as we twirled around the back side. About halfway up the trail, the path took a sharp turn straight up the mountain. The view from...

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Mother’s Day: Timeless Gratitude for Life

Mother’s Day: Timeless Gratitude for Life

As I walked sleepily this morning into the kitchen for Mother’s Day, my ten year old son stretched his arm high into the air and pulled the trigger on his new confetti gun. “Happy Mother’s Day!” A plethora of sparkly colors spun through the air as he handed me a huge box of gourmet cookies. I feel so loved, as my children adorn my cheeks with kisses and handmade cards. At 37 years old, I am a mother to four...

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The Last Harvest

The Last Harvest

Today before work I went outside into my garden. The harvest season is drawing to a close, but not before a colorful display of opulence in the form of fruit; yellow bell cherry tomatoes; red, yellow and green sweet peppers both big and baby sized; dozens and dozens of pumpkins donning white, orange and fiery auburn red skins; hot peppers including giant jalapenos, something red – I don’t know its name, and banana peppers....

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Unwanted Pregnancies: Abortion is the Wrong Solution

Unwanted Pregnancies: Abortion is the Wrong Solution

Did you know that……. at 8 weeks in utero, a fetus’ major functions are all developed, including their heart, brain, lungs and nervous system. I have even recently learned that they already have a finger print! When an in utero procedure needs to be done, even at that young age, fetuses are shown, by ultra-sound, to recoil from needles that collect blood. Why on earth would they not feel pain? We do. They are us. Of...

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