My First Gift of Christmas – Letting Go

My First Gift of Christmas – Letting Go

In my front yard is a row of trees, three to be exact. I love these trees! In the spring they produce the most glorious pink blossoms! As they fall to the ground at the onslaught of summer, the gently wafting pedals look like a pastel snowstorm, blanketing my newly emerging grass with a layer of spring. Last year the middle of the three trees took began to decay. The life force of tree has cut off several large branches, which has in...

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Today’s Vulnerability, Tomorrow’s Hope

Today’s Vulnerability, Tomorrow’s Hope

I recently finished reading Brene Brown’s book, “The Gifts of Imperfection.” I had never heard of Brene’s work until about two months ago. Since that time I have been flooded with recommendations, quotes here and there, and mentions of her name. “We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that...

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Love, the great commandment

Love, the great commandment

Jonny and I went to Harmon’s on Saturday. It was after our day long adventure in our tomato garden, stringing the gigantic stalks up to the heavens on this really cool rig that Jonny built. We had been weeding, trimming, and cleaning out are vegetable garden. Beautiful!! We took our starving family to Fong’s, our favorite local restaurant just down the street from our house, dropped the kids off at the house, and then went...

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I Can See You & 30 Life Lessons

I Can See You & 30 Life Lessons

Dearest friend, Today is a wonderful day! Your birthday marks the moment when a new light came into this world. I hope you have enjoyed and absorbed all the love that is coming your way from friends and family who are celebrating this special day. You know that I love to write, and so on your special day I wanted to send you a bit of encouragement and love. My prayer is that my words may offer you a bit of sunshine in a moment filled...

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Dreams on the top the mountain

I dream a lot. More often I can accurately depend on dreams to help me understand my experiences, prepare for the future, or to help me find peace with my challenges. A few nights ago I was reading my Facebook feed. The news feed has been all a twitter with gay activist celebrating the recent turn of events which has made Utah’s marriage law of one man and one woman “unconstitutional.” Because of personal experience,...

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I have a problem remembering my passwords

I have a problem remembering my passwords….. too many to remember. I think that my new password is so easy to remember, and I have a system to remember it, but then it comes time to test myself, and I fail several times before getting access. Life is like remembering your password. Its okay to try and fail, its great to have tricks to remember things. Its ultimately up to me to try enough combinations until something works....

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