Little Things

It’s the little things that make life worthwhile. Giving the kids a bath, reassuring a child of his worth, reading a book, saying prayers. It’s the small acts of kindness that raise the standard of belief. The kindness when someone opens the door, or notices the difference of appearance. I am grateful for the little things my kids say to one another that encourage and uplift each other. I am grateful for my little ones who...

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Autumn Playtime!

Autumn Playtime!

I love fall! This year I feel like I have missed it, since we had our baby. The last month I didn’t get out much since Ben is so small. We took just a few minutes out of our day to play in the warmth of autumn. I love these kids. We came to this same park last year to take family pictures. The kids remembered what game they had played, and which kid played which super hero, and what power they possessed. They picked up right...

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Everything I know I learned from my garden

Everything I know I learned from my garden

I love to garden! I love the feeling of seeing my hard word bring about fruit. It is so exhilarating to go outside and witness by God’s great grace 4 ft. tall tomato plants thriving in the hot July sun! I love seeing my children discover bugs; lady bugs, grass hoppers, spiders (ew!) and potato bugs. I love trimming, pruning and weeding to show off a newly taken care of space. It makes my heart happy. Life lessons about gardening...

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I have an itch to be something…..

I have an itch to be something. My time seems so taken right now, and I am torn between doing too much and doing too little to fulfill my life’s work. There is a season for everything, and now my children are so small. I don’t want to miss a single moment, and yet, I feel a calling, pulling me into sharing who I am. I feel fear. I feel vulnerable, and so I stay. My heart’s desire is to write and to speak. I must...

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Who am I?

Who am I? The scriptures teach that Jesus was the Father, because he was Begotten, or born of the flesh as God, the Father’s off spring. He was the Father through the genetics that ran through his veins. I am my mother, I am my father. I am grandma Joy, I am grandpa David. Yet, I am also me. I am Sarah Elizabeth. I am born, I am free of my own will to choose. Today I am light. I feel full of gratitude and faith for the...

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New Beginnings and Old Roots

Grandma Joy passed away on July 5th, 2011. It has been terribly hard to grieve her passing. Although I do not mourn for her, I know she is tenderly reunited with her sweet companion on the other side, I ache inside for her. As I sat in the hospital room, surrounded by my family members, I watched her mortal frame, once full of life and love, slip peacefully into silence. As her emaciated frame took its last breath, almost immediately,...

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