Resistance is Futile

What are you resisting? Why? Every time my husband sits down to teach me a new work skill, specifically some quite simple programming elements, my whole body cringes with frustration and rebellion. For weeks I have been avoiding, denying, procrastinating and flat out refusing to try this new skill. Inside my body is screaming, “No!!!! I don’t want to!!!” But why? What is it about this new opportunity that I resist? I...

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Enjoy the Journey

I was driving home from my Mom’s house tonight. She is recovering from major back surgery. To my surprise she is doing really well. Her color has come back, she is up and moving around. She even walked up Memory Grove the other day with Clark. I am very happy that she is on the road to recovery. Today I have been on the edge since I woke up. On the edge of what, I am not sure. But its a feeling that comes from not enough sleep....

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I thought it was going to rain….

I thought it was going to rain, but it poured!I thought it was going to be sunny, but it warmed!Life is full of ups and downs. But what I knowIs that with God there are no bounds. I look across my life mid throughand wonder without him, what’d I’d do.Life is so good, and grand and fatefulThere’s not a reason to be prideful or hateful. Challenges come, and challenges go.But without God there’s nothing I...

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New Beginnings and Pink Petals

There is something transformative about stepping through the door of opportunity. It requires thought, it requires courage and action. It also requires removing other commitments that either took time, space or energy. I have fully and with commitment, walked through a door. Forever changing the path and outcome of my life. Once, a friend of mine told me about chapters in life. He said that once you move on to a new chapter, there is...

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Changes and Seasons

So here in Utah, its spring. Only the weather comes in like waves of uncertainty.  One minute the air is fresh and warm, the sun will heat up your back as you sit and watch your children play at the blossoming park. Then, just in another blink, ferocious black clouds blow across the sky as if they are spitting out vengeance with the passing of winter. They laugh, knowing that their tantalizing tricks will haunt a chill for another...

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