Changes and Seasons

So here in Utah, its spring. Only the weather comes in like waves of uncertainty.  One minute the air is fresh and warm, the sun will heat up your back as you sit and watch your children play at the blossoming park. Then, just in another blink, ferocious black clouds blow across the sky as if they are spitting out vengeance with the passing of winter. They laugh, knowing that their tantalizing tricks will haunt a chill for another afternoon before warmth really belongs to us. One day after another, and the temper tantrums of the weather mellow, like the whispering calm that comes as an antsy child grows into maturity. The season is now in the midst of that change.

The change should have happened long ago, for it is May. No really, MMMAAAAYYYY. Not March, but such is life. The blossoms on my trees outside have finally decided to show their pretty face and that makes me happy.

Just like the seasons change each year, seasons of life take on a similar feeling. A huge change is taking place for me today, tomorrow, and this week. Often times I feel the sun shining on my choices, like the rays of heaven are beaming directly onto my soul and I feel a fire inside of certainty. At other times, the winds of doubt and despair, rage through my body, forcing my to choose directly between the fear of winter, cold, and lack, or the faith of spring, of growth, acceptance love and beginnings.

Yesterday, as I was driving in the car, the sun shone so brightly through the clouds that it pained my longing eyes to look. Energy and light coerced the clouds to part their ways, and the sun’s rays penetrated ethereally to my heart. God is smiling at me.

Just as the blossoming of a new chapter of life opens, I appreciate each new flowering tree, and the christening of emerald grass. I appreciate the growth I feel in my life, the connection to nature and the connection to God. For with him all things are possible.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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