Christmas Letter 2017

Dear Family & Friends,

What a year it has been! It is an understatement to say that this has been filled with significant obstacles and challenges, but has equally been a witness to the service, compassion, and kindness of others. We couldn’t let the Christmas season pass without sharing with you our gratitude for your love and support. We also wanted to share with you a few of the miracles we have experienced and lessons we have learned with Jonny’s diagnosis, surgery, and recovery from his Acoustic Neuroma brain tumor.

The first thing we have become acutely aware of is the mighty and beautiful plan our Heavenly Father has for us. There is a grand tapestry of life; highlights and contours, color and space that at some point will be unveiled to showcase a breathtaking masterpiece. While my human nature abhors the thought of living through those dark days, I now understand that it is just part of the Creator’s plan. Evidence of divinity in our experience includes miracle after miracle; from finding the right ENT doctor, getting insurance approval for the best neurosurgeon, and an A+ tumor removal. Heaven felt so close, as we were surrounded by angels both physical and heavenly, especially in those first days at the Neuro ICU, and when Jonny came home to begin his recovery. As a result of the surgery, he now suffers from a condition called Occipital Neuralgia, which is acute and chronic pain on the nerve which runs up and over his skull. He is currently working with many healers, including massage therapists, acupuncturists, and pain clinic doctors.

This year we discovered that relying on our strength is a perfect way to become exhausted and overwhelmed. We have been compelled to call upon Almighty God and our loved ones for sustenance. You have listened to the whisper of heaven’s errand and reached out with loving words, patient ears, hot dinner, frozen meals, childcare, carpooling, supplements, gift cards, inspirational CDs, clarinet repair, lawn mowing, cleaning, financial support, prayers, fasting, visits, ministering, priesthood blessings, counsel, laundry fairy services, bagel runs, and secret Santas, just to name a few. At just the right moment, and in the perfect way, because it was how God asked you to serve; I have learned that doing something is always better than doing nothing. Even the smallest acts of faith and generosity have been a lifeline of energy and hope.

We have learned to focus on what we are good at, to create healthy boundaries, and that time is a gift. We are striving to be positive and not to get discouraged. I have come to know the voice of Heavenly Father as I was prepared before Jonny’s diagnoses that a trial of great magnitude was coming. I believe God’s word and his power to heal, to watch over, and to provide, as Jonny endured a season of excruciating suffering. I have also been surprised at the feeling of joy and happiness I have experienced during this time. We have watched our children grow in tenacity and joy.

Although we have had a difficult trial this year we are not isolated in suffering. We have become aware that there are so many who struggle, who cry in their secret places, that feel far from heaven’s light. It is interesting that when you have a hard and visible challenge, how many people open up about their own struggles. Before this experience there were times when we felt completely alone. As we have opened up to others, we have been flooded with the knowledge that we are indeed part of an enormous network of warriors, ministers and angels. We hope and pray that you too will feel lifted, connected and supported in your life, as you open your heart to those around you. Together we are stronger. We hope that you feel our love, and know that you have friends to help bear your burdens that they may be light.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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