Darkest Days, How To Get Through

Have you ever had a day that you didn’t know how you were going to get through, not just til’ nighttime, but the next few minutes? You ever know without a shadow of a doubt that you came to earth prepared for whatever challenges you would face, and were even were prepared for your specific Gethsemane… except in the face of reality, it was more than you could bear? In our intellect, we knew. And in mortality, it is HARD. Way harder than you imagined. Yet, here we are. This is the stuff we were made for, prepared for, trained for, lived for. This very moment.

My aunt Susan gave me some really good advice. As we were preparing for my husband’s brain tumor surgery she shared about her journey – as a brain tumor survivor caregiver – just like me. She said, “somedays the win is that you get dressed, read your scriptures and survived the day.”

From the outside, everything could look fine, and yet you struggle. There are heavy burdens to carry.

If you are there, this post is for you. I get it. I know. I’ve been there. The beauty about the hard is surrendering, receiving, being lifted and strengthened beyond your ability to carry. The gift of the hard CAN BE a soft heart, a willing mind, a tuned in ear, leaning into the spirit waiting for an answer, respite, and hope. Maybe that’s why our creator allows us to suffer here in mortality because he knows that our hearts receive more fluently, the words of the spirit when our hearts are cracked open, broken; if we allow it.

The battle may not be over, but at this moment you can win. The victory over fear and doubt and discouragement. Right now in this very moment, you are alive. You have breath. Your life has a purpose. Maybe today’s mission is to survive, to show your trouble and pain that you are stronger than they are. That you are willing to keep pushing forward, regardless of the outcome. You realize that the prizes handed out for participation could really be where it’s at. Being willing to show up and be in the game, regardless of the outcome. You are giving your best.

Keep going. Don’t give up. You are here for a purpose. There are angels supporting you, more than you could possibly know. There is support available; mental, physical and spiritual. You are carrying the cross – but you don’t need to do it alone. If you can’t win the battle – win the day – if you can’t win the day – win this moment. The feeling of victory can carry you until the other wins are inevitable!

Author: Sarah Johnson

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