Emerald Green Grass perfect matt for a baby yoga exercise

She’s sitting up perfectly now! Absolutely perfectly!

Outside against the lush emerald grass, her tiny frame with plump belly happily waved and swaggered at the breeze, the soft blades under neath her, and anything else she could scrap up to her wiggling tongue. What a delight! My seven month old loved our outdoor adventure!

The only thing more exciting than trying to put a brigade or wafting dandelion parachuters in your mouth would be the handful of gravel rocks that brother found around the shed. How did we end up with an arrow head in the mix? I do not know, but it was an adventure!

Cute Brennan saw a streaking jet across the azure sky. “Mom, can I wish on a shooting jet?” Sure thing bud! You can wish on a shooting jet. He was sure it might have been a rocket, or such.

He has declared twice now that his costume of choice for Halloween is a chicken. We’ll see about that. My heart is growing bigger with these children inside!

Author: Sarah Johnson

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