“I am a good communicator”

Brennan told me point blank the other night, “Mom, I am a good communicator.” Yes.  You are sweetie. And for that I love you. A good communicator, to exclaim your wonder and ability to dress yourself…after church it was spider man hat, buzz light year jammie shirt, pirate pants and cars socks. You communicate that you are a big boy and you can do it yourself. You communicate, “look how colorful and alive I am! Look at me! I live in the moment, based on what makes me happy!” He communicated well to his sister, after an ignorant stomp on her delicate foot, followed by an increasingly wondering stare, a nudge from his mother, he said, “I’m sorry Anna, are you okay? What can I do to make it up to you?” Yes Brennan you are a good communicator.

Mom is having surgery tomorrow. Clients are coming in like crazy! House is getting cleaned and laundry is getting done. We have food in the fridge and I am happy. I love my husband, I love my children and most of all I love my God. How blessed am I to be alive!!

Author: Sarah Johnson

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