I have a problem remembering my passwords

I have a problem remembering my passwords….. too many to remember. I think that my new password is so easy to remember, and I have a system to remember it, but then it comes time to test myself, and I fail several times before getting access.

Life is like remembering your password. Its okay to try and fail, its great to have tricks to remember things. Its ultimately up to me to try enough combinations until something works.

Today I have failed several times in several ways. But ultimately, its been a great day. I have succeeded in many ways as well. I am grateful for the chance to try, try again until I succeed.

This past Sunday I was released from Young Womens. I was desperately sad about this change. It was unexpected in the most fundamental way. And yet, now as I reflect the Lord prepared me. About a month ago I had the same dream twice. It was actually an almost identical dream twice. The message was the same, the activities were the same, but the dialogue differed slightly.

I was in a place emotionally and physically where I knew that I no longer was going to be with my daughters. I wasn’t given the reason for this in my dream, meaning I didn’t know of any impended death or separation, I just knew I was going to be with them anymore. More desperately than I could verbally or physically express I wanted them to know one thing, that I loved them. I wanted to carry with them an unfailing conviction that their Mother adored them. My only solution to this predicament was to teach them to pray. And so with every ounce of my being I implored them to develop a relationship with their father in heaven through prayer. He could teach them two things;
1. That they are deeply, and eternally loved by their mother.
2. That they are deeply, and eternally loved by their Father in Heaven.
I could be separated physically from my children, in my dream, knowing that they knew the great source by which all love comes, through our Heavenly Father.

On Sunday, Christine gave me an opportunity to say goodbye to the sweet young women of the Eastridge 6th ward. The dream had come again to my remembrance in sacrament meeting, I instantly knew of its message. I am not being called away through death, to be separated from my daughters, Ally and Anna, I was going to be released from my Young Womens’ calling. This was my message to them.

1. To understand how much you are loved, develop a relationship with your Father in Heaven.
He will teach you that you are loved by Him, your creator, as well by me.
2. Be kind. Be kinder than necessary to those around you. It will open up doors of opportunity for you, and it will facilitate the opportunity for others to desire being in your space, and give you the power of influence – for good. You never know what challenges a person is facing. You might be their greatest blessing in fighting an emotional or physical challenge. The contrary is also true, with words unjust or mean you encourage others to turn from you, and possibly the light because they felt betrayed, abandoned or hurt.
3. Stay worthy and clean. Motherhood is a great blessing. Each week in church we say the Young Womens theme, that includes the aspiration of Motherhood. I stand with a newborn child in my arms, imploring to stay a worthy vessel wherein you can bring valiant spirits of our Heavenly Father to our earthly realm. It is a great blessing!

Author: Sarah Johnson

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