Resistance is Futile

What are you resisting? Why? Every time my husband sits down to teach me a new work skill, specifically some quite simple programming elements, my whole body cringes with frustration and rebellion. For weeks I have been avoiding, denying, procrastinating and flat out refusing to try this new skill. Inside my body is screaming, “No!!!! I don’t want to!!!” But why? What is it about this new opportunity that I resist?

I pride myself on being an adventurist, an outgoing, fun loving person. So why do I challenge my opportunities to learn a new skill with resentment? I decided today to take on the challenge, cheerfully. I changed the ground rules for the experience and put myself in the driver’s seat. I offered my learning to my husband, and he taught me how to program. Guess what? It wasn’t half bad! I actually felt a new sense of freedom and pride that came from accomplishing something new. I now have beginning programmer bragging rights, and more confidence in my ability to be teachable.

Going through this journey has opened my eyes to the feeling of resistance. I can identify three or four areas of my life that I resist change, or growth in. Why? I’m not sure why in some areas, and others I know exactly why. But from here on out, I am going to be honest with myself, honest with those around me about my feelings and challenges, and be willing to stare challenge in the face. I will learn new things and be open for opportunities that are around me.

Resistance to change is futile. Why not enjoy the journey?

Author: Sarah Johnson

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