The Holy Ghost, a constant companion.

When I was 8 years old, I entered the waters of baptism through the priesthood power which was held by my grandpa, David Evans. There were a few moments that stood out to me.

First, I stood for a picture, wearing my polyester white dress in front of a painting of the Savior’s baptism in the hall at our stake center.

Second, as I came out of the water, I distinctly remember feeling disappointed. I knew my sins were washed away, but what I was expecting was to feel different. I felt happy and good, but I didn’t feel different.

Third, my disappointment didn’t last for long. In those days, we were baptized on Saturday, and then confirmed during sacrament meeting, the following day. Our meeting started with a hymn, an opening prayer and a few announcements. Then the bishop called me to the front as the newest member of our ward, and he invited all the priesthood brethren who were with me to come down and stand in the circle to confirm me a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

All of those hands felt heavy and warm on my head. I felt safe and protected. I do not remember what was said in the blessing. But I remember feeling something…… I felt what I expected to feel the day before, which was different. From the tip of my head, down to my little baby toes, my body filled with warmth. I tingled all over. This was the feeling I thought I would feel when I got baptized. Inside I did a little happy dance. I now had the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Since that day, I have had many opportunities to rely on that gift.  I felt the Holy Ghost as a child, encouraging me to stay away from danger. I relied on the Holy Ghost when I was a teenager, and babysat for a  long weekend. I relied on the Holy Ghost to help me recall information for a test that I had prepared for. When my dad died, the Holy Ghost whispered to me truths about forever families that at the time felt so far away. The Holy Ghost has even opened up my mind to see my precious children before they have arrived to our family. In every major decision I have sought my Heavenly Father through prayer, and then relied on the Holy Ghost to confirm my decision, or guide me along my path.

As a mother, there is no greater joy that I have than to see you Brennan, and all my children happily making good choices along the path back to our Heavenly Father.

Brennan, you are a delightful boy. You have always been full of energy, and enthusiasm. You are kind to those you meet and associate with. You have a natural curiosity for the world around you. You are smart. I have absolutely loved being your mother.

Now that you are eight, have been baptized you are given the gift of the Holy Ghost. Heavenly Father knows that as a boy you are capable and strong enough to stand as a witness of Him. He knows that 8 you know the difference between right and wrong. He knows that at 8 you could use your feelings as a compass in your decisions. He knows that at 8 you would make mistakes, but that you would be able to repent, say you are sorry and make things right again. At just 8 years old, he knows that he could depend on you to keep his commandments.

All of these responsibilities may, at times, seem like a lot to remember. But here’s the great thing! Heavenly Father NEVER breaks a promise, ever, ever. Baptism is a covenant, you make special promises to Him, and he, in turn, makes special promises to you. He promises that if you keep the commandments, his spirit will always be with you. ALWAYS.

That means, when you are taking a really hard test in school, the Holy Ghost, who happens to be really good at taking tests, will be with you.

When you performing a piano piece at a recital that you have prepared, the Holy Ghost, who happens to be really good at playing the piano, will be with you.

When you are going to a party, and some kids are making bad choices with language, or choosing to put bad things in their body, the Holy Ghost, who happens to be really amazing at standing up for what is right, and who loves showing courage, will be with you.

When you serve a mission, and you feel nervous or shy, the Holy Ghost, who happens to be a really great missionary, will be with you.

When you find a lovely young woman, to take the temple to be married for time and all eternity, the Holy Ghost, who happens to be really good at helping family members live in happiness, will be with you.

For all the rest of your days as you progress in learning, in height, in love, and in work, the Holy Ghost will be with you.

All good things come from Heavenly Father. When you choose the right, keeping your body and spirit clean, you can always have the Holy Ghost with you to guide you, strengthen you, encourage you, comfort you and calm you.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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