The Last Harvest

Today before work I went outside into my garden. The harvest season is drawing to a close, but not before a colorful display of opulence in the form of fruit; yellow bell cherry tomatoes; red, yellow and green sweet peppers both big and baby sized; dozens and dozens of pumpkins donning white, orange and fiery auburn red skins; hot peppers including giant jalapenos, something red – I don’t know its name, and banana peppers.




I carried my pink plastic basket around with me, my toddler at my heels, “Mamma!” He was requested a turn on the swing, “Mamma!” He wanted to play in the sandbox. “Mamma!!” “OOON, EEEEW, EEEEEEE!” (1, 2, 3!) His little legs start running down the backyard grass hill, “OOOOOh!” (Gooooo!) He wanders as his discovers the world of play. I continue to gather, to carry, to feel the blessing of harvesting.


It is now the beginning of October. Temperatures have begun to drop, although most days are absolutely delightful! The peppers are finished, and so I begin to pull the plants from the earth, that provided so much nourishment all season long. The melon plants, too are finished producing. I gather the long tendril vines and bunch them on the hill closest to the fence surrounding the south side of our home. All of whats left will be transformed into next year’s crop through composting at the city landfill.

In the world, it too is harvest time.

The season of mankind has enjoyed time on earth. From the time of ancient father Adam, until now. Seeds of family have been planted, nourished, grown and harvested. Generations upon generations have lived and loved on this earth. There have been great storms of tyranny and lustful power, there have been seasons of great sickness and death. Here we are, in America, after have lived through a great season of prosperity and peace. Unfortunately, the pride of ease has swept into our belief of self fulfillment, when in actuality all blessing flow from our Creator. The time of universal harvest is upon us; whether it be a week, a year, or a decade, the time is now to prepare. Judgement is coming.

Collectively there is a great shift away from God.

I can feel it in every fiber of my being. Our country’s leadership does not stand on the foundation of faith, of which the forefathers built this great nation, with God’s omnipotent direction and guidance. There is mockery of life with widespread support and practice of abortion, there is criticism of protection and even talk of changes to the 2nd amendment of the Constitution, to disallow personal firearms.  Add that to the list of adultery, pornography, rising debt, growing entitlement programs, strengthened insurgence in international political landscapes, wars, rumors of war. To top that off, just last week there was a public attack at a Christian College, an armed man shot and killed 9 students. He asked each person before he fired what religion they were, if they were Christian he shot them in the head, if they weren’t, he shot them in the legs. The mass media didn’t care, they didn’t share that fact, they are just supporting Obama’s call for widespread gun control. At the core, I don’t know who America is anymore.

Jesus Christ is at the great helm of his plan.

Lucifer has been allowed to take the hearts of those men who would freely give it. This scene is not new, it has been playing out on the stage of humanity since the dawn of time, and yet my heart feels the pulse of the impending changes.

As a chosen people, we are required to live a higher law, despite anyone’s belief or recognition of a higher law. We live on the Promised Land, the same promise that was forged by George Washington as he dedicated this land to God. The same promise given in the Book of Mormon to the ancient people who inhabited this earth before us all, those who live here must keep the commandments of God, or they will be wiped off. We aren’t living that higher law, we are living the law of entitlements, handouts, sin and justification. We are living in lasciviousness, lavishness and excess.

The vines have withered, the fruit has been plucked.

Ye shall know them by their fruits.

The fruit of America is freedom, it is accountability, it is nobility.

The fruit of America is toil, ingeniousness, invention, sacrifice.

The fruit of America is unity, acceptance and diversity.

If what made America great are the things that are no more, all that is left is the withered vine, ready to be taken and destroyed, transformed into what will come.

The Proclamation says it all

“Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.”

There is still time

Jesus Christ’s Atonement is infinite. His love is boundless. His perfection is limitless. He can succor my weakness, he can reach down and comfort my fearful heart. He has sent angels, both seen and unseen on my behalf to save my broken and tired heart. He takes my daily imperfections and creates a space for healing and hope. He gives me courage to try my hardest each day, to become purified from my weakness, and sanctified through his blood. Without him I am nothing. Through his words, found in the holy scriptures, I have come to know his voice, and to feel the great Holy Spirit bear witness to me of the power and truth of his Gospel. There is a plan of happiness. There is truth to repentance and forgiveness. There is harvest in the law of work.


I can feel his spirit calling to me to rise up and be more than I am now, to strengthen my testimony, to fortify my family, and to call on anyone in the sound of my voice to come unto him. All joy, happiness, light and life come from and through him.

Changes are coming

With the harrowing wickedness and building storm clouds on the horizon, there is also a great gathering of Saints. The armies are coming, and at some point we will be asked, “Are you a Christian?”

For the South Carolina students, who lost their lives in the face of unadulterated evil this week, I applaud their courage.

We too have the opportunity to stand affirmative. #IAmaChristian


I stand with Jesus Christ. I am one of his disciples. I have felt the eternal shackles of Satan’s ensnarement shatter with the healing power of Jesus Christ’s grace. I have been saved from the bonds of death, and protected from the vilest possibilities of disease, by his hand. His angels have ministered to me, and offered me comfort and hope, in my darkness nights.

We each will have to stand on a side. There are only two. The heads of each side are chosen, there is no negotiating the allegiances of either. Jehovah on the right and Lucifer underneath. His jealousy rages. He knows his time is running short, he is desperate to trap as many souls as will be tempted in the sound of his voice. He claims ease, satisfaction, happiness, revenge, wealth, popularity, peace…….

He cannot give peace. Only torment.

Jesus Christ has already taken the bitter cup and drunk. His preparations are complete. He is waiting for me, he is waiting for you, to come to him, to be counted as his fruit, in his last harvest.


Author: Sarah Johnson

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