What’s the answer?

Often in life I have dallied in a world of high activity and excitement. There have been other times in my life where struggle and frustration rule out my natural state of optimism and good cheer. President Monson in his recent conference address talked about Gratitude. Gratitude is a characteristic that is most highly linked to all other Godly attributes. I am grateful for his wisdom.

In our effort to have a house of order, I have been clearing my clutter. I have been organizing. Rather than feeling victimized by bad habits, I am changing and proceeding with good cheer. It makes me feel a bit in control. Although I know enough to realize how little I actually can control, my good circumstance is mostly an effect of Heavenly Father’s abundance, I need to show gratitude by doing my part.

Thoughts from conference.
1. Be and create order.
2. Teach my children the plan of salvation.
3. Trust the Lord whole heartedly, in turn, he will be able to trust me. (Elder Erying)
4. Develop my relationship with God, with my fellow man, with my family and with myself.
5. Be obedient to the counsel of God, always. No matter what.

I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for the work which I can take part in each and every day. I am grateful for obstacles and opportunities to grow.  I am grateful for health. I am grateful for pink cotton candy clouds. I am grateful for my grandparents.

Whatever the challenge in life, whether it be sickness, heartache, financial difficulty….. it is time to be of good cheer. To serve others and to give Heavenly Father my whole heart. That means trusting him, listening to him and being patient with his plan for my life.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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