Who am I?

Who am I?

The scriptures teach that Jesus was the Father, because he was Begotten, or born of the flesh as God, the Father’s off spring. He was the Father through the genetics that ran through his veins.

I am my mother, I am my father. I am grandma Joy, I am grandpa David. Yet, I am also me. I am Sarah Elizabeth. I am born, I am free of my own will to choose.

Today I am light. I feel full of gratitude and faith for the opportunity to live, to grow and to love.
I am a woman with blue eyes, extra weight around my middle, funny lines sometimes, desire to be better always, imperfect and impatient, easily fatigued, and full of love for others. I am striving to be better each and every day.

I have a desire to teach, to radiate the light of Jesus Christ. I want to show others the way to the Savior. I want to share stories and insights, life lessons. I am grateful to teach the youth of our ward. I am grateful to have my health, to enjoy my well being.

Today we had a great lesson in Young Womens. The Sciammarella family just returned from Africa, where they built a well for a tiny, remote village. There, children die every day from bad drinking water. It is common to go to school and share a small desk with four other kids. No pencils, no paper, no books. Just a chalk board and a teacher, to dictate, and for the kids to verbally repeat. They would walk two or three miles to gather five gallons of dirty water. They carry the water on their head, moms, cart their babies on their backs. They continue onward, ever forward to provide for their children. They have nothing. We have so many material blessings, and yet they have found happiness, joy in the simple pleasures of living.

Here, we are not so happy, but can be.

The lesson today was about service. About looking to others and sharing our light, our love and our abundance to ease other’s burdens. I am grateful for the spirit of gratitude and humility that was shared.

Author: Sarah Johnson

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