Windy Whistler

My, its windy outside. A storms a comin’! While watching a hitchcock inspired TV show, the big BBQ blew over and hit our kitchen door. It frightened me a bit. That scary feeling like a spider’s crawling up your back came through me all at once and I re-confirmed that I don’t like scary movies.

Why is it that I procrastinate, or doubt, or feel vulnerable? Challenges come to every person, man or woman, tall or short, big or little. The choices we make ultimately determine what happens to us. So why do some people so flawlessly succeed and other procrastinate its arrival? Argh. I fret.
Why are my eyes blue? Because God made it so. Why can I see? Because he gave me vision. Why do I experience sight? Because I opened my eyes.
Why do I have choice? Because God made it so. Why can I choose? Because he gave me agency. Why do I experience life? Because I open my heart, I open my mind and I begin to work. God blessed the people of Israel with Manna but he did not gather it up. God has so abundantly blessed me with provisions, but he will not collect it. “Lord, I believe. Help thou my unbelief.”

Author: Sarah Johnson

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